Staff:Name :
Zainudin Johari
Principal Lecturer
Telephone :
016 694 61 62
Email :
Timetable Details:Day : Monday / Thursday
Time :6.30 – 9.30pm
Room :Unity A
Note there are 2 lectures, one tutorial and one laboratory each week, check Business and SITMS notice boards for laboratory times and student booking lists.
OBJECTIVES:This unit provides an introduction to business information systems and explores database and spreadsheet skills in depth. It should thus provide significant support, in particular, for students studying accounting.
After this unit students should have:
• Knowledge of the way in which Information Systems are analyzed, designed and implemented;
• The ability to design a solution to particular information problems;
• The skills to implement this solution using software tools.
CONTENT:Topics will include:
Business needs for information
Components of information systems
Problem Analysis
Designing solutions with software tools
Decision support modelling
Interface design
Controlling and automating
Software cycles and safeguards
Management support systems
SEQUENCE:The following is an approximate guide to the sequence of topics in this unit.
Week Lecture Text Ref.
1 Setting the Scene 1
2 Hardware Fundamentals 2
3 Business Software 3
4 Business Information Systems 4
5 Communications and Networks 5
6 Systems Integration 6
7 Systems Development 7
8 Strategic IS Management 8
9 Managing the IS Function 9
10 E-Business 10
11 Web Commerce 11
12 Personal Productivity 12
13 Project and Unit Review
LEARNING TASKS AND ASSESSMENT:1. Students need to become familiar with analysing Business Information system problems. The tutorials allow you to prepare and discuss the real world case studies specified in the schedule and to contribute towards a deeper understanding of the material.
2. Skills in manipulating spreadsheets and databases will be addressed in the computer laboratories, you should prepare for these as the hands-on applications will attract marks and lay the groundwork for your major assignment.
3. Comprehending all aspects of the design of Information Systems should be assisted by taking detailed notes of lectures and progressively summarizing these in preparation for the semester examination.
Assessable Tasks Task
Type B
1)Hands-on Applications / Case Studies Solutions 10%
2)Tutorials 10%
3)Assignment - in small teams 20%
Type A
Examination semester exam period, 3 hours 60%
In order to receive a passing grade in this unit, students should receive a passing grade in the combined results of type A assessment tasks and a passing grade in the combined results of type B assessment tasks.
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA:The available grades, a description of the corresponding required student performance and the required percentages for the unit is given in the University Handbook, The Schedule: Part II. The Unit Coordinator may standardise raw marks before allocating grades.
General criteria for the assessment of spreadsheet assignment work are:
• the degree to which the problem has been correctly solved
• the structure and clarity of the layout and content of worksheets
• the ease of use enabled by macros and other functions of the package
• the quality of documentation including printouts
• the overall presentation of the work.
Late assignments will generally not be accepted. However, extensions may be granted prior to the submission deadline in the event of demonstrated exceptional circumstances.
PLAGIARISMIt is important to learn from the work of others and you are encouraged to explore the library, World Wide Web resources and have discussions with other students. However work for assessment must be entirely the student's own work.
Plagiarism, that is copying or using the work of others without giving details of the source of information is not acceptable. All sources used and any collaboration in the exploratory work for an assignment must be clearly acknowledged using standard academic referencing.
You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised equally; an exception will be if you can demonstrate the work is your own and you took reasonable care to safeguard against copying.
Plagiarism is a serious offence. Typically, students who are caught plagiarising will, for a first offence, be given a zero mark for that task. A second offence will normally result in a failing grade for the unit(s) involved.
ACADEMIC REGULATIONS: Students are advised to acquaint themselves with the academic regulations regarding progress as outlined in the 2003 University Handbook. In particular note the regulations for special consideration in Statute 5.3, The Schedule Part 1, subsection 5, and the grounds for appeal against assessment in Regulation 5.3
Note that in cases of absence from a scheduled examination or lateness in submitting an assignment, it is the responsibility of the student (or other party) to notify the unit coordinator or the general office of the School of IT & MS (phone 53 279270) on the day or as soon as possible thereafter. Details must be verified in writing within seven (7) days of the scheduled date.
A deferred examination will not be held during lecture times. All such examinations will be held at the end of semester during the normal examination/testing period, and will be included on the official examination timetable.
Students should note that supplementary information concerning teaching, learning and assessment may be provided from time to time. In response to unforseen circumstances this may include changes in times or location of classes, order of the schedule or due dates for assignments. Announcement of these matters in classes and placement of a notice on the officially designated School Noticeboard shall be deemed to be official notification.
It is recommended that students who have life circumstances or personal limitations which may affect their course of study, should refer to the list of Student Services contacts on the official noticeboard.
Benson, Stephen & Standing, Craig, (2002). Information Systems - a Business Approach, Wiley
Text required for laboratory projects:
Brady, J. & Monk, E. (2003). Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel, Course Technologies.
Kalakota, Dr. Ravi, ((2001) e-Business 2.0 - Roadmap for Success, Addison Wesley
Laudon & Laudon (2002) Management Information Systems - Managing the Digital Firm (7th ed.), Pearson Education
Established in the Library, the help desk can provide detailed reference manuals, news and procedure sheets for all University software.