Monday, October 3, 2011

Advanced Information Systems Development (AISD) Assignment September 2011



CODE : SD 3043

SUBJECT : Advanced Information Systems


weight : 50 %

Adv. Information Systems Development Assignment

Lecturer : Zainudin Johari

Due Date : 11 th. November 2011

Title of Project : Designing and development of Serdang Hospital Information Systems (SHIS)

Problem Statement

This is an informal specification of what hospital administrators want from you the company designing a system to help them manage their hospital efficiently and effectively.

General Problem Statement

Due to budget cutbacks and general concern for providing the best service possible to the public, Serdang Hospital would like to ensure that they are using their scarce hospital resources in the most efficient manner possible. With this in mind we would like you to design a system which will help them manage their hospital in an efficient, effective manner. Specifically the system should help them schedule and monitor the various resources that they have at the hospital. This includes keeping track of available beds, waiting lists for patients, patients expected length of stay, scheduling of surgeries, patient notification and billing, scheduling of nurses and doctors.


Information Required

The SHIS must keep track of certain pieces of information required for operation of the hospital. Namely:

Physical Layout of Hospital

The following information provides a more detailed breakdown of how our hospital is organized. The main hospital consists of one building with 8 floors. There are 8 wards which occupy various floors of the hospital. Each of the wards has certain number of beds for patients of that ward.
  1. Admit/Emergency - floor 1 - 50 rooms
  2. Operating - floor 2 - 20 rooms
  3. Geriatrics - floor 3 - 50 rooms
  4. Recovery - floor 4 - 100 rooms
  5. Intensive Care - floor 5 - 50 rooms
  6. Cardiology - floor 6 - 50 rooms
  7. Obstetrics - floor 7 - 50 rooms
  8. Pediatrics - floor 8 - 50 rooms
So the following information is needed:
For the Wards
  1. Floor ward located on.
  2. Type of ward (from types above)
  3. Ward size ( = to number of rooms)
  4. Names of doctors assigned to ward
  5. Names of nurses assigned to ward
For each room
  1. Room No. (Must be unique for every room)
  2. State of room (occupied/available)
  3. Name of patient assigned to room
  4. Assignment date
  5. Expected date of release

Hospital Staff

The hospital staff is composed of doctors and nurses. Each of whom have a specialty in a certain field (same as ward types). The hospital staff also has schedules at the hospital.
Information common to all hostipal staff:
  • Name (Last Name, First Name)
  • Address (Full Address, including city, province/state, country)
  • Phone (Area code, Number)
  • Staff number (9 digit number) (for payroll purposes)
  • Schedule to work:(which consists of the following entries)
  • Date to work. (Month/Day/Year)
  • Hour to start working (In military format eg. 24:00)
  • Hour to end working (In military format eg. 24:00)
  • Ward in which to work
In addition, nurses also have the following information:
  • Level ( Supervising, Regular)
  • Specialty (Cardiology, Pediatrics...)
  • Operating schedule ( Note: all operations take place in the operating ward.)
  • Date to work. (Month / Day / Year)
  • Hour to start working (In military format eg. 24:00)
  • Expected hour to end shift (In military format eg. 24:00)
  • Type of operation
  • Room # (to operate in)
  • Patient(s) to operate on.
In addition, nurses also have the following information:
  • Specialty (Cardiology,Pediatrics...)
  • Operating schedule (Note: all operations are in operating ward.)
  • Date to work. (Month/Day/Year)
  • Hour to start working (In military format eg. 24:00)
  • Expected time of end of shift (In military format eg. 24:00)
  • Type of operation
  • Room # (to operate in)
  • Patient(s) to operate on
Patient Information
The system should also be able to keep track of certain patient information.
Information common to all patients:
  • Name (Last Name, First Name)
  • Address (Full Address, including city, province/state, country)
  • Phone (area code, local phone #)
  • Insurance number (SIN, whatever it is in the states)
  • Category (Emergency/Non-emergency)
  • Type of treatment required (For simplicity, same as ward types).
For patients on a waiting list:
  • Position on waiting list
  • Priority(1...n)
  • Date (when put on waiting list)
For patients in a room:
  • Room #
  • Date started in room.
  • Date expected to leave.
Maintainence and Operations on Information
The following are operations peformed on the previous information. As well, as on retrieval of information.
  1. Must schedule hospital staff according to the following rules:
    • Staff must not work too many consecutive shifts.
    • Staff cannot be off work for too many consecutive shifts.
    • One supervising nurse must be present for each ward at all times and that supervising nurse must have speciality of that ward.
    • During the day each ward must have 5 regular nurses of which 3 must have speciality of that ward. As well 2 doctors of that speciality must be present.
    • During the night each ward must have 2 regular nurses of which 1 must have speciality of that ward. As well 1 doctor of that speciality.
    • Staff cannot be scheduled to work a ward and operate at the same time.
  2. For the operations and operating schedule
    • 2 doctors of appropriate speciality of operation must be present.
    • 2 nurses of appropriate speciality of operation must be present.
  3. Manage the waiting list:
    • Must be able to add patients to the waiting list
    • Must be able to take patients off the waiting list:
    • For those who got spontaneously better just remove from list
    • For those who got a room, transfer patient info to room.
    • As patients removed from waiting list, positions must be updated as follows the priority of the patient is how many positions the patient moves in the list.
  4. Add and remove hospital staff:
    • Note this may mean altering the schedule for every other staff member who is working.
  5. Changing any detail of a patient or staff member.
Retrieval of Informaton
The following must be able to be quickly retrieved from system:
  1. Complete individual information for patients, doctors and nurses.
  2. Be able to extract lists of:
    • Waiting list (all of it)
    • Nurses/doctors according to ward number,date level and specialty.
    • Patients according to ward(which they occupy), date of entry n hospital, and expected date of departure.
    • Roms according to status and/or ward.
  3. System must generate a notification of admittance to patient on waiting list 2 weeks before date of admittance. Note: the notice of admit. states: - date of admittance
    • Ward of admittance
    • Floor of ward
    • Room # of admittance
  4. System must generate an invoice when a patient leaves. Note: Invoice contains following information: - date of admittance
    • Date of departure
    • Total length of stay
    • Ward stayed in
    • Room #


§ All Drawings must be submitted using either Smart Draw, Select Enterprise ,Rational Rose, Argo/UML, Rhapsody, Together/J, MS Visio or any Object oriented support tools Software

§ Introduction by explaining about the problem statement ( 10 marks )

§ Create a Use-Case Diagram analysis model for the SHIS. This should contain a use-case model consisting of a use-case diagram, and a brief description for each use case, along with the actors participating in the use case. ( 15 marks )

§ Draw a 3 tiers Class Diagram depicting the SHIS and explanation. ( 15 marks )

§ Draw an Activity Diagram with and without Swim lanes depicting the SHIS and explanation. ( 20 marks)

§ Draw a Sequence Diagram depicting the SHIS and explanation. ( 15 marks )

§ Assumptions and Problem encountered when designing this SHIS project. (10 marks )

§ References used. ( 5 marks )

§ Conclusion ( 10 marks )

Any special finding you have investigated worth mentioning should be added to give your report an extra edge.

You are also encouraged to add in pictures of the relevant categories that you could acquire either from the Net or newspapers cuttings.

Make your report as realistic as possible as we all know that this is just a fictional exercise.

All assignments should be submitted in a formal assignment format such as Introduction, Body, Conclusion etc.

This is a Individual or Group Assignment ( Max 2).

Report to me on “Sleepy Passengers”

Assignments must be handed in on time or at least on the stipulated date.

Extensions will only be given under exceptional circumstances and will only be granted if notification is received in writing.

Some reasons for not allowing extensions are:

· Extensions are unfair to those who have worked hard to deliver assignments on TIME.

· The lecturer cannot cover the solution until the last assignment has been handed in

· A late assignment in my subject would usually leads to late assignments in other subject, and leading to a deterioration in the quality of work submitted

· Rigid deadlines exist in the real working environment.

All assignment work should be substantially your own

Cheating or plagiarism will result in zero marks for the assignment, and may result in failing the subject or worse

All assignments must be A4 papers and bound firmly in the Project Report Cover clearly stated proper identification

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Research Skills BM2313 Assignment

Dear Students,
Prepare for the Assignment.

BIM2313 Research Methods

Lecturer : Zainudin Johari

This assignment aims to give you an opportunity to explore key features related to research methodology.

Specifically, the assignment requires that you study the theory/theories that form the basis of a particular area of research and the methodology employed in conducting the research. To complete the assignment, you need to conduct a critical review of FIVE journal articles, all of which are related to ONE specific area of research.
You are required to do the assignment on your own and the paper you hand in should be an original piece of work. Please be reminded that plagiarism in any form will be severely dealt with.


Step 1

Choose a specific area of research and write your RESEARCH QUESTIONS. Identify a specific area of research that is of interest to you. This may be related to your students’ learning or of importance to you as a student, or to City University College. Ideally, you should choose a research area that could be developed into a proposal for your intended study later. Before you settle with a specific area of research, it is advisable to go through the recent literature available in the field to determine what has been researched and has not been researched so that your choice is current and worth studying.

Write down your chosen area of research in the form of an appropriate title. A good title should reflect the focus of the research. Ideally, it should incorporate three important aspects, namely the variable(s) investigated, the research setting and the subjects of the study.

Example: · The effects of using hand-phones among IT City University College students. · A study of using Facebook among IT City University College students

Present your rationale for choosing the specific area of research [5 marks]

Step 2

Select readings FIVE journal articles that are directly related to your chosen area of research. All these articles should represent empirical studies from peer-reviewed journals. The articles should also contain different methodological approaches so that you will have a more in depth understanding of the methodological issues related your chosen research area. You can source this type of research articles from the City University College Digital Library.

You can also try the following resources to source for articles.

Confine your search for current articles only, preferably within the past 5 years.

Provide a list of the journal articles and justifications for the choice of each article. [10 marks]

Step 3

Discuss the theoretical basis of the chosen research area Read through the articles and discuss the theory or theories that form the basis of or the foundation for the research.

Your discussion should provide a brief description of the theory/theories and an explanation of their relevance to the focus of the research.

Examine also how the theory/theories are used to guide the research, provide a rational basis for explaining or interpreting the results, make predictions based on the findings, etc. [15 marks]

Step 4

Analyse and synthesize Analyse the research methodology that has been used in the various journal articles you have read, synthesize key issues and write a report. You may focus your report on the following methodological aspects:

Approach: The use of a qualitative or quantitative approach or the use of surveys, experiments, cor relational method, case study method, ethnography, etc.

· Variables: The variables (e.g. independent, dependent and moderating) focused on and how they are related in each study and across the studies. ·

Sample/Participants: The samples and the sampling techniques used and why. ·

Instrumentation: The data collection instruments (e.g. survey questionnaire, tests, observational checklist, etc) and issues related to validity and reliability ·

Research procedures: The data collection procedures. their appropriateness to the focus of the research, their clarity to allow for replication in future studies, etc

In your report, you should compare and contrast the various methodological features in the articles and deliberate on their strengths and weaknesses with the aim of formulating a sound methodological framework for your intended study. [15 marks]

Step 5

Results, Conclusions and Problems faced. Write what are the results that you have found and what are the conclusions that you derived.

Also state the problems that you faced during the entire research project. [5 marks]

Pass up your assignment in the form of a bound copy containing the following sections:
A. Title and rationale of the research (5 marks)

B. List of journal articles and justifications for the choice (10 marks)

C. Discussion on theoretical framework (15 mark)

D. Analysis of methodology (15 marks)

E. Results, Conclusion and Problems faced (5 marks)

Download Assignment Questions

Research Skills BM2313

Dear Student,
You may download the lesson materials for Research Skills now.

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3




Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Project Management 2011 Assignment Question release

Project Management Assignment Question Release.

Dahlia Hana Event

Sdn Bhd

Outsource Project

CODE : BS 614

SUBJECT : Project Management


Project Management Assignment

Lecturer : Zainudin Johari

Due Date : 4 June 2011

Title of Project : Dahlia Hana Event Sdn Bhd. Outsource Project


You are a Business Executive for an event management company called Dahlia hana Event Sdn. Bhd.. Your company have been selected and entrusted to develop one of the project listed below.

  • Plan an International F1 Concert in Putrajaya
  • Plan an Educational Trip to Sydney Australia
  • Plan a Eco Tourism Camphaign2012 Malaysia

Your client ( Create your own fictional client ) has entrusted you to managed and develop this project on behalf of their interest. They will provide all financial backup for the success of the event. You have to ensure that your master plan is accepted and aligned with their corporate inspirations. Your proposal is the most important deliverables ever to know that the success of the event.

At the moment you have to CREATE your group name and there are only 5 members in the Project Team including you. You are required to conduct an interview to recruit new staff to full fill the company objective in completing the project. Therefore you need to have a list of manpower requirement with specific job descriptions.

The project estimated to cost around RM2 million and will take almost the duration of 8 months to complete from scratch.

You are also to estimate the total cost of implementing the project that your clients have selected.


Project will take 10 working months.

Select a Project Manager from the members of your group.

Hardware and Software acquisition worth RM10,000 and above need to be reported in writing to the Steering Committee.

Your task

1. Introduction about your employer Dahlia Hana Event Sdn. Bhd. company profile which includes address, name of company, email, web, board of directors, history of project ( at least 2) and others you think is beneficial that should be included in your profile.

2. Introduction about your Client. Who are they, what is their background, etc.

3. Define that Project that you have selected very clearly in terms of scope and functions for the purpose of explaining to your Steering Committee and the Board of Directors. Include objective of project, mission and vision of projects, weaknesses of projects, advantages of your project, Literature Reviews, Methodology and all activities concerns, Here is where you must exploit all the intricate details of your projects such as planning, stage, design, props and cast, and protocols details.

4. Advertise on paper regarding the recruitment. Show the complete layout of the advertisement, which includes address, contacts, telephone number and dead line.

5. Plan to Conduct an Interview.

Which should includes :

Date, venue of interview, Number of candidates, potential candidates names with qualifications and targeted tasks, prepare manpower result and manpower selection.

6. Cost estimation for both

i. The cost to develop and managed the entire project

Estimation should includes infrastructure of projects including cabling and networking, salary, hardware , software and other cost which you think possible.

7. Draw a GANTT Chart to schedule the entire project. You may draw any additional charts to simplify your scheduling task such as a Network chart or a Staff chart.

End of Task.

Any special finding you have investigated worth mentioning should be added to give your report an extra edge.

You are also encouraged to add in pictures of the relevant categories that you could acquire either from the Net or newspapers cuttings.

Make your report as realistic as possible as we all know that this is just a fictional exercise.

All assignments should be submitted in a formal assignment format such as Introduction, Body, Conclusion etc.

Group assignment of maximum 5 and minimum 4. Report to me on “Sleepy Passengers”

Assignments must be handed in on time or at least on the stipulated date.

Extensions will only be given under exceptional circumstances and will only be granted if notification is received in writing.

Some reasons for not allowing extensions are:

· Extensions are unfair to those who have worked hard to deliver assignments on TIME.

· The lecturer cannot cover the solution until the last assignment has been handed in

· A late assignment in my subject would usually leads to late assignments in other subject, and leading to a deterioration in the quality of work submitted

· Rigid deadlines exist in the real working environment.

All assignment work should be substantially your own

Working closely with someone else on a non-group assignment is considered cheating

Cheating or plagiarism will result in zero marks for the assignment, and may result in failing the subject or worse

All assignments must be A4 papers and bound firmly in the Project Report Cover clearly stated proper identification

Zainudin Johari

Train the Trainers 15 minutes Presentation : Making Roti John in 5 Simple Steps

  Upon Completion of this module, participant will be able to:   1. List Down the 5 Steps Of Making a “Roti John” using a Mobile Stove. ...